

Icelandic Horses are very interesting and versatile. Once they leave Iceland they cannot go back.

These horses belong to the “Gaited Horses”, meaning that they have additional gaits other than “Walk”, “Trot” , and “Galopp”. The other gaits are: “Passe” – a lateral gait where the left fore and hind limbs, as well as the right fore and hind limbs, are moving synchronously-  and “Rack” – a 4-beat gait that is very smooth for the rider.

The horses are relatively small with a heights of approximately 140 cm. Despite this size adult riders are frequently aboard, which lately has become criticized by welfare organizations.

I finished this sculpture in clay and soon will take it to Perseo for casting. The contraption you see at its right side has the purpose of supporting the weight of sculpture and prevents it from collapsing.

Presently I do not have a proper name for it, therefore I named it “Tölt” for the moment, which ist the Icelandic name for the special 4-beat gait.


  • Edition:1
  • Dimensions:40 x 40 x 50 cm
  • Start:01.11.2024