It’s me Simba
My brother-in-law Dieter Schaefer commissioned me to create a sculpture of a male lion, as he was born in this zodiac sign. He wanted the lion t
o be in a stalking position.
Unfortunately, during my study of Lion pictures on the internet, I only found lionesses in such positions, but the males either sit majestically with imposing postures or lie around lazily. So I had no choice but to model his combination of feminine flexibility and masculine appearance.
The right fore limb of the sculpture could hold up all the weight of the mane and head, and therefore dropped down. We therefore had to support the chest and the head of the lion once I brought it to the foundry.
The result is:” It’s Me Simba”. The mane had to be extensively repaired in wax copy, but then the cast sculpture looked great.
- Edition:9
- Sold:1
- Dimensions:13 x 34 x 17 cm
- Start:01.08.2019
- Finished:01.10.2019
- Casts:01.01.2020