
Elegant Power (Eli)

I was asked by the groom to create a jumping horse in action. It was supposed to be the wedding present for his wife to be – her horse – preferably with her riding it. As decided early in my career to create only animals, I refused to add a rider to the horse.
It’s not possible to sculpt a horse in flight without connecting it with some type of contraption, which would distract from the sculpture. Therefore, we had to choose between the jump off and the landing. In either position there was a “static” problem to solve, which turned out to be solvable thanks to the specialists at the foundry.
We selected the jump off and thus far, very body is happy how it turned out.


  • Edition:9
  • Sold:1
  • Dimensions:39 x 37 x 12 cm
  • Finished:15.11.2022